Luoghi in West Bank che sono classificati chiesa

> a

Abraham’s Church (chiesa), Al Baţiyarkīyah al Lātīnīyah (chiesa), Al Kanīsah al Anjlīkānīyah (chiesa), Al Kanīsah al Injīlīyah al Lūthirīyah (chiesa), Al Kanīsah al Ithiyūbīyah (chiesa), Al Kanīsah al Ithiyūbīyah (chiesa), Al Kanīsah al Lūthirīyah (chiesa), Al Kanīsah al Lūthirīyah (chiesa), Al Kanīsah al Ma‘madānīyah (chiesa), Al Kanīsah al Ma‘madānīyah (chiesa), Al Kanīsah al Ma‘madānīyah al Ūlá (chiesa), Al Kanīsah al Qubţīyah (chiesa), Al Muskūbīyah (chiesa), Al Qā‘ah al Injīlīyah (chiesa), Anglican Church (chiesa), Anglican Hall (chiesa), Ar Ra‘wat (chiesa), Ar Ru‘āh (chiesa), Ar Ru‘āt (chiesa), As Sideh Chruch (chiesa)

> b

Baptist Church (chiesa), Baptist Church (chiesa), Bishara Virgin Mary Orthodox Church (chiesa)

> c

Chapel of the Milk Grotto (chiesa), Church of the Nativity (chiesa), Coptic Orthodox Church (chiesa)

> e

Er Ru‘āt (chiesa), Ethiopian Church (chiesa), Ethiopian Church (chiesa)

> f

First Baptist Church (chiesa), Franciscan Church (chiesa), Friends Church (chiesa)

> g

Greek Catholic Church (chiesa), Greek Catholic Church (chiesa), Greek Catholic Church (chiesa), Greek Orthodox (chiesa), Greek Orthodox Church (chiesa), Greek Orthodox Church (chiesa), Greek Orthodox Church (chiesa)

> h

Holy Family Church (chiesa)

> k

Kanīsah Kāthūlīkīyah (chiesa), Kanīsah Qadīmah (chiesa), Kanīsat al Bishārah al Urthūdhuksīyah (chiesa), Kanīsat al Brūtustānt (chiesa), Kanīsat al Frānsīskān (chiesa), Kanīsat al Frindz (chiesa), Kanīsat al Lātīn (chiesa), Kanīsat al Mahd (chiesa), Kanīsat al Maskūbīyah (chiesa), Kanīsat al Qiddīsah Maryam (chiesa), Kanīsat al ‘Ā’ilah al Muqaddasah (chiesa), Kanīsat ar Rūm al Kāthūlīk (chiesa), Kanīsat ar Rūm al Kāthūlīk (chiesa), Kanīsat ar Rūm al Urthūdhuks (chiesa), Kanīsat ar Rūm al Urthūdhuks (chiesa), Kanīsat ar Rūm al Urthūdhuksīyah (chiesa), Kanīsat ar Rūm al Urthūdūks (chiesa), Kanīsat ar Rūm al Urthūdūks (chiesa), Kanīsat as Sīdah (chiesa), Kanīsat as Siriyān (chiesa), Kanīsat Ḩaql ar Ru‘āh al Kāthūlīkīyah (chiesa), Kanīsat Maghārat al Ḩalīb (chiesa), Kanīsat Mār Anţūn (chiesa), Kanīsat Mār Niqūlā (chiesa), Kanīsat Mār Yūsif (chiesa), Kanīsat wa Dayr as Sayliziyān (chiesa), Kanīsat wa Ma‘had al Lātīn (chiesa)

> l

Latin Church and Seminary (chiesa), Lutheran Anglican Church (chiesa), Lutheran Church (chiesa), Lutheran Church and Seminary (chiesa)

> m

Mar Andrea (chiesa), Mār Andriyah (chiesa), Moskobiya (chiesa)

> o

Old Church (chiesa)

> p

Protestant Church (chiesa)

> r

Roman Catholic (chiesa), Roman Catholic Church (chiesa), Roman Catholic Shepherd Field Church (chiesa), Roman Patriarchate (chiesa)

> s

Saint Anthony’s Church (chiesa), Saint Joseph Church and Hospice (chiesa), Saint Mary’s Church (chiesa), Saint Nicholas Church (chiesa), Salesian Church and Convent (chiesa), Syrian Chruch (chiesa)

> ا

البطيركية اللاتينية (chiesa), القاعة الإنجيلية (chiesa), الكنيسة الأنجليكانية (chiesa), الكنيسة الإثيوبية (chiesa), الكنيسة الإثيوبية (chiesa), الكنيسة الإنجيلية اللوثرية (chiesa), الكنيسة القبطية (chiesa), الكنيسة اللوثرية (chiesa), الكنيسة اللوثرية (chiesa), الكنيسة المعمدانية (chiesa), الكنيسة المعمدانية (chiesa), الكنيسة المعمدانية الأولى (chiesa)

> ك

كنيسة البروتستانت (chiesa), كنيسة البشارة الأرثوذكسية (chiesa), كنيسة الروم الأرثودوكس (chiesa), كنيسة الروم الأرثودوكس (chiesa), كنيسة الروم الأرثوذكس (chiesa), كنيسة الروم الأرثوذكس (chiesa), كنيسة الروم الارثوذكسية (chiesa), كنيسة الروم الكاثوليك (chiesa), كنيسة الروم الكاثوليك (chiesa), كنيسة السريان (chiesa), كنيسة السيدة (chiesa), كنيسة العائلة المقدسة (chiesa), كنيسة الفراسيسكان (chiesa), كنيسة الفرندز (chiesa), كنيسة القديسة مريم (chiesa), كنيسة اللاتين (chiesa), كنيسة المسكوبية (chiesa), كنيسة المهد (chiesa), كنيسة حقل الرعاة الكاثوليكية (chiesa), كنيسة قديمة (chiesa), كنيسة كاثوليكية (chiesa), كنيسة مار أنطون (chiesa), كنيسة مار نقولا (chiesa), كنيسة مار يوسف (chiesa), كنيسة مغارة الحليب (chiesa), كنيسة ودير السيلزيان (chiesa), كنيسة ومعهد اللاتين (chiesa)

> م

مار أندرية (chiesa)