Statistiche per OCEANS

Luoghi più visti OCEANS

Xäzär Dänizi (mare)
Mare Mediterraneo (mare)
Océano Atlántico Sur (oceano)
Gulf of Alaska (golfo)
Fo-kien Strait (stretto)
Océano Pacífico (oceano)
Mar Tirreno (mare)
Morze Bałtyckie (mare)
Mar Ionio (mare)
Canale di Tunisi (stretto)
Gibilterra (stretto)
Golf von Guinea (golfo)
Kaspi Dengzi (mare)
Inner Sound (stretto)
Skerki Channel (canale marino)
Bo Hai (golfo)
La Perouse Strait (stretto)
Gulf of Carpenteria (golfo)
Kamchatka Sea (mare)
Finnischer Meerbusen (golfo)
Zaliv Shelekhova (golfo)
Sakhalinskiy Zaliv (golfo)
Mer Ligurienne (mare)
Mare Arabico (mare)
Bocche di Bonifacio (stretto)
Mar Caribe (mare)
Plata River (estuario)
Finskiy Zaliv (golfo)
Japan Stream (torrente)
Gulf of Carpentaria (golfo)
Kamchatka (mare)
Golfo di Venezia (golfo)
Beaufort Sea (mare)
Burma Sea (mare)
Laut Maluku (mare)
Drake Passage (stretto)
Bering Sea (mare)
Drake Straits (stretto)
Channel of Sicily (stretto)
Gulf of Chihli (golfo)
Venezia (golfo)
Barentsevo More (mare)
Arafura Sea (mare)
Mar de Savu (mare)
Bay of Fundy (baia)
Gulf of Pe-chih-li (golfo)
Khalīj ‘Adan (golfo)
Mare Cantabricum (golfo)
Aquitanicus Sinus (golfo)
Gulfe d’ Aden (golfo)

Luoghi meno visti in OCEANS

Straat Singapoera (stretto)
Khalîg el Suweis (golfo)
Baltijos Jūra (mare)
Baḩr-e-Mokrān (golfo)
Bahr el Qulzum (golfo)
Amundsen Sea (mare)
Iónion Pélagos (mare)
Balti Meri (mare)
Bottniska Viken (golfo)
Tŏk-do (isole)
Азовське Море (mare)
Al Baḩr al Abyaḑ al Mutawassiţ (mare)
The Gulf (golfo)
Coral Sea (mare)
Al Khalīj al Fārisī (golfo)
Davisstrædet (stretto)
Khalīj-e Fārs (golfo)
Ålands Hav (mare)
Al Baḩr al Aḩmar (golfo)
Aaland Sea (mare)
Lincoln Hav (mare)
Rigaischer Busen (golfo)
Bāb-e-Hormūz (stretto)
Strait of Hormoz (stretto)
Laut Flores (mare)
Der Kanal (canale)
Basra Körfezi (golfo)
Laut Selebes (mare)
Khalīj ‘Ommān (golfo)
Gdan’ska Bukhta (golfo)
Golfe de Riga (golfo)
Rizhskiy Zaliv (golfo)
German Ocean (mare)
Bahr ‘Omān (golfo)
Riga-bukten (golfo)
Gulf of Oman (golfo)
Nordsøen (mare)
Daryā-ye ‘Oman (golfo)
Gulf of Honduras (golfo)
Saint Georges Channel (canale marino)
Khalīj-i Fārs (golfo)
Gulf of San Matias (golfo)
Mer Mediteranée (mare)
Golfo San Matías (golfo)
Golfo de Honduras (golfo)
Tyōsen Kaikyō (stretto)
Behring (stretto)
Bahía de Honduras (golfo)
Bay of Honduras (golfo)
Inland Sea (mare)