Luoghi in Egitto che sono classificati college

> a

A.U.C. (college), Al Jāmi‘ah al Amrīkīyah (college), Al Jāmi‘ah al ‘Ummālīyah (college), Al Jāmi‘ah al ‘Ummālīyah (college), Al Kullīyah al Ḩarbīyah (college), Al Ma‘had al Azharī (college), Al Ma‘had al Qawmī lil Qiyās wa al Jūdah (college), Al Ma‘had al ‘Ālī aş Şinā‘ī at Tijārī (college), Al Ma‘had al ‘Ālī li Tiknūlujiyā al Başrīyāt (college), Al Ma‘had al ‘Ālī lil Ta‘āwun az Zirā‘ī (college), Al ‘Āshir Collective Institutes (college), Al-Manṣūrah University (college), American University (college), Azhar University (college), Azhary Institute (college)

> c

C.U.A. (college), Cairo University (college), Cairo University College of Pharmacy (college), College of Agriculture (college), College of Applied Arts (college), College of Commerce (college), College of Domestic Economics (college), College of Education (college), College of Engineering (college), College of Engineering (college), College of Engineering and Technology (college), College of Fine Arts (college), College of Foreign Trade (college), College of Medicine (college), College of Physical Education (college), College of Physical Education for Girls (college), College of Science (college), College of Sporting Education (college), College of Veterinary Medicine (college), College of Veterinary Medicine (college), Collège St Marc (college), College St Marc (college)

> f

Faculty of Engineering (college), Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies (college)

> h

Higher Industrial Institute (college), Higher Institute for Agriculture Cooperation (college), Higher Institute for Technology (college)

> j

Jāmi‘at al Azhar (college), Jāmi‘at al Manşūrah (college), Jāmi‘at al Qāhirah (college), Jāmi‘at Asyūţ (college), Jāmi‘at Ţanţā (college), Jāmi‘at ‘Ayn Shams (college)

> k

Kullīyat ad Dirāsāt al Islāmīyah (college), Kullīyat ad Dirāsāt al Islāmīyah (college), Kullīyat ad Dirāsāt al Islāmīyah wa al ‘Arabīyah (college), Kullīyat al Funūn al Jamīlah (college), Kullīyat al Funūn at Taţbīqīyah (college), Kullīyat al Handasah (college), Kullīyat al Handasah (college), Kullīyat al Handasah (college), Kullīyat al Handasah wa at Tiknūlūjiyā (college), Kullīyāt al Iqtişād al Manzilī (college), Kullīyat al Qiddīs Jibrā’īl (college), Kullīyat al ‘Ulūm (college), Kullīyat al ‘Ulūm (college), Kullīyat aş Şaydalat Jāmi‘at al Qahirah (college), Kullīyat at Tarbiyah (college), Kullīyat at Tarbiyah (college), Kullīyat at Tarbiyah an Naw‘īyah (college), Kullīyat at Tarbiyah ar Riyāḑīyah (college), Kullīyat at Tarbiyah ar Riyāḑīyah Banāt (college), Kullīyat aţ Ţibb (college), Kullīyat aţ Ţibb al Bayţarī (college), Kullīyat aţ Ţibb al Bayţarī (college), Kullīyat at Tijārah (college), Kullīyat at Tijārah (college), Kullīyat at Tijārah al Khārijīyah (college), Kullīyat az Zirā‘ah (college), Kullīyat Sān Mārk (college)

> l

Laborers University (college), Laborers University (college)

> m

Ma‘had as Sikritārīyah (college), Ma‘had az̧ Z̧uhayr (college), Military College (college), Mujamma‘ Ma‘āhid al ‘Āshir (college)

> n

National Institute for Measuring and Quality (college)

> s

Secretariat Institute (college)

> Ṭ

Ṭanṭā University (college)

> ا

الجامعة الامريكية (college), الجامعة العمالية (college), الجامعة العمالية (college), الكلية الحربية (college), المعهد الأزهري (college), المعهد العالي الصناعي التجاري (college), المعهد العالي لتكنولجيا البصريات (college), المعهد العالي للتعاون الزراعي (college), المعهد القومي للقياس و الجودة (college)

> ج

جامعة الأزهر (college), جامعة القاهرة (college), جامعة المنصورة (college), جامعة طنطا (college), جامعة عين شمس (college)

> ك

كلية الاقتصاد المنزلي (college), كلية التجارة (college), كلية التجارة (college), كلية التجارة الخارجية (college), كلية التربية (college), كلية التربية (college), كلية التربية الرياضية (college), كلية التربية الرياضية بنات (college), كلية التربية النوعية (college), كلية الدراسات الإسلامية (college), كلية الدراسات الاسلامية (college), كلية الدراسات الاسلامية و العربية (college), كلية الزراعة (college), كلية الصيدلة جامعة القاهرة (college), كلية الطب (college), كلية الطب البيطري (college), كلية الطب البيطري (college), كلية العلوم (college), كلية العلوم (college), كلية الفنون التطبيقية (college), كلية الفنون الجميلة (college), كلية القديس جبرائيل (college), كلية الهندسة (college), كلية الهندسة (college), كلية الهندسة (college), كلية الهندسة و التكنولوجيا (college), كلية سان مارك (college)

> م

مجمع معاهد العاشر (college), معهد السكرتارية (college), معهد الظهير (college)

> ‘

‘Ayn Shams University (college)